Selamat Berpuasa to MNSJ Muslim members. Apologies for being quiet for a while and not adding new information in this MNSJ blog.
If you have been reading the MNS yahoogroups e mail, some of our members have visited the Sg. Lukah wetlands, which is located between Tanjung Balau and Jason Bay. The wetlands were inadvertently "discovered" by Vincent Chow (MNSJ advisor) and Dr. Ismid Said (MNSJ Council member), when both were doing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a biotech company wanting to develop the land, which includes the said wetlands.
The Sg. Lukah freshwater wetlands is the last vestige of non-peaty, freshwater swamps in Johor. Most of the surrounding areas were already drained and turned into oil palm plantations. Most were already logged as most of the access dirt/laterite roads were for logging purposes. These roads also changed the hydrology of the wetlands as their presence blocked the movement of the surface and groundwater movements of the water i.e. these road act as dams. Some of the larger trees are already dying probably due to excessive water-logging and other reasons.
Nevertheless, these wetlands need to be preserved for our future generations. Vincent and Dr. Ismid has collected some field data of the area. I myself visited the area once and measured the in situ and laboratory analysis of the water quality. The results of the analysis indicated the cleanest water ever measured in the pristine areas of Johor - the turbidity measured is at 0.93 NTU (the turbidity of distilled water was measured at 0.59 NTU). But short studies would not be enough. MNSJ needs to carry out a short scientific expedition to inventory the relevant scientific data specifically flora, fauna, stream ecology/fisheries, water quality and hydrology. The length of the study will be about a week to 10 days.
The area visited is the located at the lower end of Sg. Lukah but Dr. Ismid and his team found the access road to the upstream part of Sg. Lukah through the oil palm plantations near FELDA Lok Heng/Sg. Mas. I have discussed with Dr. Ismid that part of the expedition would include a boat or kayak journey from the upper Sg. Lukah to the lower end of Sg. Lukah where most of the photos in this blog were taken.
This short scientific study is suggested some time after the fasting month (mid October?). Although the studies would be carried out by MNSJ members (or newly recruited members :-) ) with relevant scientific backgrounds, other non-scientific members are always welcome to visit and volunteer and assist the scientists.
The findings would be presented to the Johor State Government for purpose of the gazzetement of the wetlands. MNSJ also need to acquire some initial funding from the State Government for the said study.

I will keep all MNSJ members informed in our MNSJ yahoo groups e mail.
6 September 2008
salam dr...
my name is hana,i am a student under dr. ismid supervision for my master thesis.
he suggested that me and my friend to do our thesis based on this area.
do you have any suggestion on the scope of our study??? if possible, you may reply to my email: hanamichi_13887@yahoo.com
thank you...
Salam Dr. Saya sering ke Sedili Kecil untuk study wader bird. Memang banyak species wader di sana. Saya kenal kawasan ini sejak September 2014. Kebetulan musim bird migration. Baru ini terperasan tentang wetland tu. Belum cuba masuk lagi. Dr. bole kongsi sedikit tentang species burung yang ada di kawasan wetland itu.
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